
Showing posts from May, 2019

Daily Blog with Anik || Exercises on CSS Horizontal Bar

In this video,I explained the Exercises on CSS Horizontal Bar . Feel free to comment. For more, please subscribe and press the BELL icon. Please visit my CSS Playlist . Please link, comment, share and subscribe. The code is as follows - HTML File -  <html>    <head> <title> Exercises 11 </title>           <link rel="stylesheet" href="exercises11.css">    </head>      <body>       <ul>     <li> <a href=""> Home </a> </li> <li> <a href=""> Videos </a> </li> <li> <a href=""> HTML Playlist </a> </li> <li> <a href="

Daily Video Blog with Anik || CSS Horizontal Bar

In this video,I explained the CSS Horizontal Bar . Feel free to comment. For more, please subscribe and press the BELL icon. Please visit my CSS Playlist . The code is as follows - HTML File -  <html>     <head> <title> Horizontal Bar </title>        <link rel="stylesheet" href="horizontal_bar.css"> </head> <body>   <ul>     <li> <a href=""> Home </a> </li> <li> <a href=""> About Us </a> </li> <li> <a href=""> Contact Us </a> </li> <li> <a href=""> Any Queries </a> </li>   </ul> </body> </html> CSS File -  ul { list-style-type: none; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; background-color: gray; overflow: hidden; } li { float: left; } li a { display: block; color: white; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; paddi

Daily Video Blog on Anik || Exercises on CSS Forms

In this video,I explained the CSS Forms . Feel free to comment. For more, please subscribe and press the BELL icon. Please visit my CSS Playlist . Please link, comment, share and subscribe. The code is as follows - HTML File -  <html>   <head> <title> Exercises 10 </title>          <link rel="stylesheet" href="exercises10.css">   </head>     <body>      <form action="" method="">    <table align=center>      <caption> Enter Your Details </caption>      <tr> <th> <label for="fn"> First Name  </label> </th>       <td> <input id="fn" type="text" name="fname"> </td> </tr> <tr> <th> <label for="ln"> Last Name  </label> </th>       <td> <input id="ln" type="text" name="lname"> </td&

Daily Video Blog with Anik || CSS Forms || CSS Properties in Forms

In this video,I explained the CSS Forms . Feel free to comment. For more, please subscribe and press the BELL icon. Please visit my  CSS Playlist . The code is as follows - HTML File -  <html>    <head> <title> CSS Forms </title>           <link rel="stylesheet" href="cssforms.css">     </head> <body>    <form action="" method="">      <table>     <tr> <th> First Name </th>      <td> <input type="text" name="fname" placeholder="Enter your first name" </td>     </tr> <tr> <th> Last Name </th>      <td> <input type="text" name="lname" placeholder="Enter your last name" </td>     </tr> <tr> <th> Mobile Number </th>      <td> <input id="m1" type="number" name="mob&quo

Daily Video Blog with Anik || Exercise on CSS Position

In this video,I explained an Exercise on CSS Position . Feel free to comment. For more, please subscribe and press the BELL icon. Please visit my  CSS Playlist . The code is as follows - HTML File -  <html>   <head> <title> CSS Position </title>          <link rel="stylesheet" href="exercises9.css">   </head>     <body>     <div id="d1">   <h1> This is my first DIV </h1> </div> <div id="d2">   <h1> This is my second DIV </h1> </div> <div id="d3">   <h1> This is my third DIV </h1> </div> <br> <br> <br> <div id="d4">   <h1> This is my fourth DIV </h1> </div> <div id="d5">   <h1> This is my fifth DIV </h1> </div>     </body> </html> CSS File -  div { border: 1px solid blue; }

Daily Video Blog with Anik || CSS Links || CSS Properties in Links

In this video,I explained the CSS Links . Feel free to comment. For more, please subscribe and press the BELL icon. Please visit my CSS Playlist . The code is as follows - HTML File -  <html>   <head>  <title> CSS Links </title>           <link rel="stylesheet" href="csslinks.css">     </head>     <body>     <table>    <tr> <th> Description </th>         <th> Link </th>    </tr>      <tr>      <td> Link </td> <td> <a id="a1" href="example1.html"> Example 1 </a> </td>    </tr>      <tr>      <td> Link 1 </td> <td> <a id="a2" href="example2.html"> Example 2 </a> </td>    </tr>      <tr>      <td> Link 2 </td> <td> <a id="a3" href="example3.html"> Exampl

Discussion and Coding with Anik - Part 3 - CSS Div Tags with Lists and Tables

Hope this post finds you well. In this video,I explained the CSS Div Tags with Lists and Tables . Feel free to comment. For more, please subscribe and press the BELL icon. Please visit my  CSS Playlist . Please link, comment, share and subscribe. The code is as follows - HTML File -  <html>     <head> <title> Exercises 8 </title>        <link rel="stylesheet"  href="exercises8.css"> </head> <body>   <div>      <ul> <li> Lists to be purchased on Monday </li>       <li class="li_pro"> <table>    <tr> <th> Items </th> <th> Quantity </th> </tr>    <tr> <td> Milk </td> <td> 1 L </td> </tr>    <tr> <td> Bread </td> <td> 500g </td> </tr>    <tr> <td> Sugar </td> <td> 1 kg </td> </tr> </table

Discussion and Coding with Anik - Part-2 - CSS Div Tags with Images

In this video,I explained the CSS Div Tags With Images . Feel free to comment. For more, please subscribe and press the BELL icon. Please visit my  CSS Playlist . The code is as follows - HTML File -  <html>    <head>  <title> Exercises 7 </title>            <link rel="stylesheet" href="exercises7.css">    </head>      <body>       <div class="d1">     <img src="html.png" alt="HTML Image">   </div>     <div class="d2">     <img src="css.png" alt="CSS Image">   </div>     <div class="d3">     <img src="banner.png" alt="Banner Image">   </div>      </body> </html> CSS File -  div{ padding: 1%; width: 30%; height: 50%; border: 1px solid green; float: left; } img{ height:150px; width: 150px; padding: 15px; margin: 15px;

Discussion and Coding with Anik - Part 1 - CSS Div Tags with Text

In this video,I explained the CSS Div Tags With Text . Feel free to comment. For more, please subscribe and press the BELL icon. Please visit my  CSS Playlist . Please link, subscribe, share and comment. The code is as follows - HTML File -  <html>    <head> <title> Exercises 6 </title>           <link rel="stylesheet" href="exercises6.css">    </head>        <body>       <div class="div1">      <h1> This is my first div </h1>   </div>     <div class="div2">      <h1> This is my second div </h1>   </div>      <div class="div3"> <h1> This is my third div </h1>    </div>        </body>    </html> CSS File -  .div1 { float: left; background-color: lightpink; } .div2 { float: left; background-color: lightblue; } .div3 { float: left; background-color: cyan; }

Discussion and Coding with Anik - CSS - DIV vs SPAN Tags

In this video,I explained the  DIV and SPAN tags in CSS. Feel free to comment. For more, please subscribe and press the BELL icon. Please visit my  CSS Playlist . Please link, comment, share and subscribe. The code is as follows - HTML File -  <html>   <head>      <title> Div vs Span </title>    <link rel="stylesheet" href="div_span.css">   </head>   <body>   <!-- div for large amount of data's effect -->   <!-- span for specific effect or for specific data  -->     <div id="old_div">    <h2> My name is <span> Anik Acharjee </span> </h2>    <h2> My age is 28 </h2>    <h2> My email id is - </h2>    <h2> My Contact No - <span id="m1"> 999999999 </span> </h2> </div>      <div id="d1">     <p> Hi everyone </p>    </div>    

Exercises 5 - CSS Text Properties || CSS Text Effects

In this video,I explained the CSS Text Properties . Feel free to comment. For more, please subscribe and press the BELL icon. Please visit my  CSS Playlist . Please link, comment, share and subscribe. The code is as follows - HTML File -  <html>   <head> <title> Exercises 5 </title>          <link rel="stylesheet" href="exercises5.css">   </head>   <body>   <h1> Hello viewers </h1>   <h2> CSS Text Effects </h2>   <h3> hi friends..!!! hope you are doing well ...!!! </h3>   <h4> Text Shadow </h4> </body> </html> CSS File -  h1 { color:cyan; text-align: center; text-decoration: underline; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 10px; word-spacing: 25px; } h2{ color:pink; text-decoration: overline; text-transform: lowercase; letter-spacing: 10px; word-spacing: 25px; text-indent: 50px; } h3 { color:blue; text-

Introduction and Coding with Anik - Exercises 3 - CSS Images - Part 2

In this video,I explained the CSS Images With Few More Properties . Feel free to comment. For more, please subscribe and press the BELL icon. Please visit my  CSS Playlist . The code is as follows - HTML File - <html>   <head>  <title> CSS Images </title>           <link rel="stylesheet" href="exercises4.css">   </head>     <body>     <table>    <tr> <td>              <div class="d1">    <img src="css.png" id="i1" alt="CSS Image">      <div class="topleft"> Text in Image </div>              </div>         </td>    </tr> </table>   </body>   </html> CSS File -  table { height: 500px; width:500px; border: 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse; } #i1 { height:450px; width: 450px; opacity: 0.3; border-radius: 8px; display: block; margin-

Exercises 3 - CSS Images - Part 1

In this video,I explained the  CSS Images with some effects. Feel free to comment. For more, please subscribe and press the BELL icon.  Please visit my  CSS Playlist . The code is as follows - HTML File -  <html>   <head> <title> Exercises3 </title>          <link rel="stylesheet" href="exercises3.css">   </head>     <body>     <table border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 align=center> <caption> CSS Images </caption>    <tr> <td> <img src="html.png" id="i1"> </td> <td class="td1"> HTML Image </td> </tr>    <tr> <td> <img src="css.png" id="i2"> </td> <td class="td1"> CSS Image </td> </tr>    <tr> <td> <img src="htmlcss.png" id="i3"> </td> <td class="td1"> HTML & CSS Image </td> &

CSS - Exercises 2 - Few CSS Properties

In this video,I explained  few properties in CSS. Feel free to comment. For more, please subscribe and press the BELL icon. Please visit my  CSS Playlist . Please link, comment, share and subscribe. The code is as follows - exercises2.html -  <html>   <head> <title> Exercise 2 </title>          <link rel="stylesheet" href="exercises2.css">   </head> <body>   <table border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 align=center>   <caption> YouTube Channel - Web Guru </caption>   <tr> <td> <img src="banner.png" alt="An Image"> </td>   <td>    <table border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>    <tr>    <th> Description </th>    <td> It's a youtube channel which contains web technologies </td>            </tr> <tr>      <th> Channel link </th>    <td> <a href=

CSS - Background in CSS

In this video,I explained the Background in CSS . Feel free to comment. For more, please subscribe and press the BELL icon. Please visit my CSS Playlist . Please link, comment, share and subscribe. The code is as follows - HTML File -  <html>   <head>     <title> CSS Background </title>   <link rel="stylesheet" href="background.css">   </head>   <body> <p> Hi Everyone... !!! Hello World..!!! </p> </body> </html> CSS File -  body{ background-color: lightblue; background-image: url("banner.png"); background-position: left top; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed; }